Overcast and blustery winds from the west prevented any ringing activity today. During seawatch on the east coast migration was observed throughout the day with over 800 waders recorded going south. In summary there were, 324 strandskata/oystercatcher, 78 kustpipare/grey plover, 250 kustsnäppa/red knot, 1 sandlöpare/sanderling, 7 spovsnäppa/curlew sandpiper and 129 kärrsnäppa/dunlin. Also noted going south were the first dvärgmås/little gull for the year at Landsort, a juvenile in the morning and an adult and juvenile during the afternoon and a flock of 14 skedand/shoveler. Gulärla/yellow wagtail were seen at Saltmar, a female sparvhök/sparrowhawk was hunting gluttsnäppa/greenshank over the water in Saltmar and 60 hussvala were going south over the island.
Wind: West
Strength 9-14.5 m/s
Temperature: 17
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 8/8
Precipitation: Heavy rain from mid morning until early afternoon, brief showers in the evening.
Nets not opened today