10th August 2019

A dull start to the day, sunrise was at 4:55am but it was poor light until 6am. A single tofsvipa/lapwing went south over the island, a juvenile female sparvhök/sparrowhawk was hunting to the east of the fågelstation and the first juvenile gök/cuckoo of the autumn was ringed.

Wind: Southeast to south
Strength 4-13 m/s
Temperature: 18-20
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 8/8
Precipitation: Showers during the afternoon

21 birds ringed: Gök/cuckoo 1, rörsångare/reed warbler 1, härmsångare/icterine warbler 3, ärtsångare/lesser whitethroat 7, grönsångare/wood warbler 1, lövsångare/willow warbler 3, grå flugsnappare 1, törnskata/red-backed shrike 1, pilfink/tree sparrow 2, rosenfink/rosefinch 1.