30th April 2019

A calm day with a brief period of light rain during the
afternoon. Two Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Silltrut) were with the other gulls
at Södra Udden this afternoon and 850
Long-tailed Ducks (Alfågel) were present offshore at the same time. Another six nestboxes
were checked, three of which had Tree Sparrow (Pilfink) nests in.

93 birds were ringed this morning.

There will be two at the obs
tonight: Espen and Matt.

Wind: Southerly
Strength: 1-3 m/s
Temperature: 0-10
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 1-8/8
Precipitation: Short period of rain during the afternoon for about
half an hour

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 4

Robin / Rödhake: 77

Redstart / Rödstjärt: 1

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 3

Lesser Whitethroat / Ärtsångare: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 3

Willow Warbler / Lövsångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 1

Greenfinch / Grönfink: 1

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 1

Total: 93

29th April 2019

Although it started off breezy the wind dropped off during
the morning and it was very still by the afternoon. During the morning a
Carrion Crow (Svartkråka) was present and three Rough-legged Buzzards (Fjällvråk)
flew north. After lunch we headed north and set about the task of finding and
checking the several hundred nestboxes on the island. The majority were still
empty but some had the beginnings of tit (mes) nests and others had active
Starling (Stare) nests.

42 birds were ringed this morning including the first two Wheatear (Stenskvätta) we have caught this season.

There will be two at the obs
tonight: Espen and Matt.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 1-6 m/s
Temperature: 5-15
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 1-8/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 2

Robin / Rödhake: 25

Wheatear / Stenskvätta: 2

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 2

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 5

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 4

Chaffinch / Bofink: 2

Total: 45

28th April 2019

Another windy day with migrants continuing to move through. This evening a brief seawatch at Södra
Udden produced an Arctic Skua (Kustlabb), a Slavonian Grebe
(Svarthalsad Dopping) and a Red-throated Diver (Smålom) as well as small
numbers of Long-tailed Ducks (Alfågel) and scoters.

45 birds were ringed this morning and again some of the more
exposed nets remained closed due to the wind.

At 11:00 we ran a ringing demo for a youth group from WWF

There will be two at the obs
tonight: Espen and Matt.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 9-15 m/s
Temperature: 6-8
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 2-8/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Robin / Rödhake: 25

Redstart / Rödstjärt: 1

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 5

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 2

Lesser Whitethroat / Ärtsångare: 1

Blackcap / Svarthätta: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 5

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 2

Chaffinch / Bofink: 2

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 1

Total: 45

27th April 2019

A good migration day with a lot of visible warbler movement, although
the weather conditions were challenging at times. Two Wrynecks (Göktyta) were at Saltmar this evening.

49 birds were ringed this morning, including two new species for
the year: Pied Flycatcher (Svartvit flugsnappare)
and Blackcap (Svarthätta). We had to close several nets as the
wind picked up throughout the morning leading to them all being closed by 10:30
(half an hour earlier than usual). Shortly after we closed there was a brief
period of intense rain, the first ‘real’ rain we have had in over
a month!

P1 radio show ‘Naturmorgon’ broadcast live from the obs this
morning following our morning of bird ringing. Listen retrospectively here.

There will be five at the obs
tonight. Matt, Espen, Måns, Albin and Nickolas.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 10-17 m/s
Temperature: 6-9
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 3-8/8
Precipitation: heavy rain for about 15 minutes at about 11:30am

Ringing day totals:

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 25

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 7

Blackcap / Svarthätta: 2

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 6

Willow Warbler / Lövsångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 6

Pied Flycatcher / Svartvit
flugsnappare: 1

Total: 49

26th April 2019

A Hoopoe (Härfågel) was found at the north end this afternoon
at the goat fields. The Marsh Harrier (Brun kärrhök) was seen again over
the obs this morning hunting over the reedbed. Several each of Common Redstart
(Rödstjärt) and
Black Redstart (Svart Rödstjärt)
were seen in the village and at the north end.

108 birds were ringed this morning but of only five species, as
well as a Goldcrest (Kungsfågel) with a German

There will be ten at the obs
tonight: Matt, Espen, Emma and group for tomorrow’s radio broadcast, Håkan,
Albin and Nikkolas.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 6-9 m/s
Temperature: 6-9
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 3-8/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Robin / Rödhake: 83

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 11

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 12

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 1

Total: 108

25th April 2019

Among a total of sixty birds ringed this morning were three
new species for the year: Tree Pipit (Trädpiplärka), Lesser Whitethroat
(Ärtsångare) and Common Redstart (Rödstjärt).

A number of good species were seen from and around
the obs today including a male Marsh Harrier (Brun kärrhök), Common Buzzard (Ormvråk), Collared Dove (Turkduva), a
female Black Redstart (Svart Rödstjärt) and best of all an Eagle Owl (Berguv) seen flying past the kitchen

There will be two at the obs
tonight: Matt and Espen.

Wind: Easterly
Strength: 6-8 m/s
Temperature: 6-9
Visibility: Moderate
Cloud cover: 4-8/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Tree Pipit / Trädpiplärka: 1

White Wagtail / Sädesärla: 1

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 2

Robin / Rödhake: 27

Redstart / Rödstjärt: 2

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 1

Lesser Whitethroat / Ärtsångare: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 11

Willow Warbler / Lövsångare: 3

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 6

Chaffinch / Bofink: 5

Total: 60

24th April 2019

The highlight of the day was a
Penduline Tit (Pungmes) which flew north over the obs at 08:30 and then back
south about 15 minutes later, the second within just a few days. Other
sightings of note include a Tree Pipit (Trädpiplerka), two Northern Shoveler (Skedand) and two
Barn Swallow (Ladusvala).

29 birds were caught this morning.

There will be two at the obs
tonight: Matt and Espen.

Wind: Southeasterly
Strength: 5-9 m/s
Temperature: 7-15
Visibility: Moderate to good
Cloud cover: 0/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 12

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 5

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 2

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 1

Willow Warbler / Lövsångare: 2

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 6

Total: 29

23rd April 2019

Among 56 birds ringed this morning
was the first Wryneck (Göktyta) of the season, two other ringing firsts of the year were represented by Willow
(Lövsångare) and Tree Sparrow
(Pilfink). A good number of Common Scoters (Sjöorre) were passing Södra Udden this morning seen by the visiting members along with the first Lesser
(Ärtsångare) of the season.

There will be two at the obs
tonight: Matt, Espen

Wind: Southeasterly
Strength: 1-5 m/s
Temperature: 6-15
Visibility: Moderate to good
Cloud cover: 0/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wryneck / Göktyta: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 36

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 1

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 7

Willow Warbler / Lövsångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 7

Tree Sparrow / Pilfink: 1

Reed Bunting / Sävsparv: 1

Total: 56

22nd April 2019

Two standout birds were found today; firstly a female Steller’s
(alförrädere) flew past Södra
Udden at about 5am, a brilliant record of this species which has suffered significant declines in recent years. The other was an Eagle Owl (Berguv) seen from the north end
this afternoon perched on a skerry offshore.

Sunny conditions prevailed all day along with a
gentle southerly breeze.

A quieter session this morning with 44 birds ringed.

There will be four at the obs
tonight: Matt, Espen and two members.

Wind: Southerly
Strength: 3-5 m/s
Temperature: 6-10
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0-2/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 2

Robin / Rödhake: 24

Blackbird / Koltrast: 2

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 3

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 10

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 1

Brambling / Bergfink: 1

Greenfinch / Grönfink: 1

Total: 44

21st April 2018

An easterly wind picked up to a brisk southeasterly by the
afternoon and brought with it more migrants. The highlight was two
Mediterranean Gulls (Svarthuvad mås)
that flew north over the obs early afternoon and
were then seen flying south past the lighthouse later on, when five Arctic
(Silvertärna) also
flew north up the east coast. Good numbers of seaducks and grebes are also
migrating at the moment.

Another busy morning ringing with 98 birds ringed.

There will be 13 at the obs
tonight: Matt, Espen, Anton, Mickael and the youth group from Birdlife Sverige.

Wind: Southeasterly
Strength: 2-9 m/s
Temperature: 6-10
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0-3/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 60

Blackbird / Koltrast: 2

Fieldfare / Björktrast: 3

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 5

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 4

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 2

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 20

Siskin / Grönsiska: 1

Total: 98

20th April 2019

A excellent day’s birding for the visitors today with a Serin
(Gulhämpling) and a Penduline Tit (Pungmes) being the avian highlights, the
former flying south at Södra Udden and then lingering a while in the area, the latter
flew north this evening. Also notable were large counts of 21 Slavonian Grebes (Svarthakedopping)
and 20 Red-necked Grebes (Gråhakedopping) at the north end. A Camberwell Beauty butterfly (Sorgmantel)
went north through the reedbed as we were closing the nets at 11am.

An impressive 131 birds were caught this morning, including
94 Robin (Rödhake)!

There will be 13 at the obs
tonight: Matt, Espen, Anton, Mickael and the youth group from Birdlife Sverige.

Wind: Southwesterly
Strength: 4 m/s
Temperature: 3-15
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0-3/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 94

Fieldfare / Björktrast: 2

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 8

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 4

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 2

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 17

Blue Tit / Blåmes: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Total: 131

19th April 2019

Another springlike day with slightly
more cloud cover than yesterday. The long awaited first Barn Swallow (Ladusvala)
of the year flew north past the obs this morning. The highlights of the day
both came from the Norrhamn where a pair of Garganey (Årta) and a pair of Slavonian
(Svarthakedopping) were present. A Jack Snipe (Dvärgbeckasin) flew
from the reedbed this morning.

55 birds were caught this morning.

There will be 16 at the obs
tonight: Matt, Espen and family, Anton, Mickael as well as a youth group from
Birdlife Sverige.

Wind: Southwesterly
Strength: 1-3 m/s
Temperature: 3-15
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0-6/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 35

Blackbird / Koltrast: 1

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 3

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 2

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 9

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Bullfinch / Domherre: 1

Total: 55

18th April 2019

A still and sunny day with 80 birds ringed this morning, the second highest day count this year. Among these were a Firecrest (Brandkronad Kungsfågel), the eighth ringed on Landsort and a Woodcock (Morkulla). Waders noted flying over today included Common Redshank (Rödbena), Green Sandpiper (Skogsnäppa) and Curlew(Storspov).

There will be five at the obs tonight: Matt, Espen and family.

Wind: Westerly
Strength: 0-2 m/s
Temperature: 1-10
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Woodcock / Morkulla: 1

White Wagtail / Sädesärla: 1

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 48

Blackbird / Koltrast: 2

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 3

Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 15

Firecrest / Brandkronad Kungsfågel: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 4

Greenfinch / Grönfink: 1

Total: 80

17th April 2019

The Willow trees are in bloom

The cloud had dispersed during the previous evening for a clear night with bright moon. Although the day started cool it had warmed up to 15°C by the afternoon giving the feeling that spring will be here soon. There was some vismig during the morning over the Observatory with Bergfink/brambling, Sånglärka/skylark, Sädesärla/white wagtail noted going north. A Enkelbeckasin/snipe and Morkulla/woodcock were also seen around the Observatory.

Five staying at the Observatory tonight, Matt, Espen and his family visiting for Easter.

23 birds ringed: Rödhake/robin 11, Koltrast/blackbird 2, Gransångare/chiffchaff 1, Kungsfågel/goldcrest 6, Gulsparv/yellowhammer 2, Sävsparv/reed bunting 1.

Wind: Northeast
Strength: 7-9 m/s
Temperature: 1-5°C from the forecast but up to 15°C during the afternoon.
Visibility: Excellent
Cloud cover: 0/8
Precipitation: None

16th April 2019

A bright start to the day, then becoming overcast after dawn. During the morning, to the south of the Observatory, a meadow pipit (Ängpiplärka) was singing and displaying on a couple of occasions. A fieldfare (Björktrast) was calling from the birch trees on the west and a snipe (Enkelbeckasin) was flushed from the playing field.

Liam led the first guiding of the year this morning and his group were delighted with a Wren (Gärdsmyg) for a ringing demonstration.

One staying at the Observatory tonight, Matt.

10 birds ringed: Gärdsmyg/Wren 1, Järnsparv/Dunnock 2, Taltrast/Song Thrush 2, Kungsfågel/Goldcrest 2, Bofink/Chaffinch 1, Steglits/Goldfinch 1, Sävsparv/Reed Bunting 1.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 8-10 m/s
Temperature: 3-4°C
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 8/8
Precipitation: None

15th April 2019

Newt (vattenödla) have been seen in the reedbed pools this morning.

It was clear overnight so a crisp and frosty start to the morning, becoming warmer from midday. There was a some vismig as white wagtail (Sädesärla) were observed from the lighthouse coming in off the sea and also going over the Observatory. Three snipe (Enkelbeckasin) were on the beach at Saltmar.

17 birds ringed: Robin/Röhake 7, Dunnock/Järnsparv 2, Mistle Thrush/Dubbeltrast 2, Reed Bunting/Sävsparv 2, Blackbird/Koltrast 1, Chaffinch/Bofink 1, Chiffchaff/Gransångare 1, Song Thrush/Taltrast 1.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 4-6 m/s
Temperature: low of -2°C to 4°C
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0/8
Precipitation: None

Two at the Observatory tonight, Matt and Liam.

14th April 2019

Overcast during the morning then brightening up late afternoon. There were three birds ringed today, two Robin (Röhake) and one great tit (Talgoxe) and although it was quite at the nets a woodcock (Morkulla) was displaying before dawn, yellowhammer (Gulsparv) were singing along the lane and a snipe (Enkelbeckasin) was on the playing field.

There will be two at the Observatory tonight, Matt and Liam.

Wind: Northerly
Strength: 5-7 m/s

Temperature: 3°C

Cloud: 6/8

Precipitation: None

Ringing day total:

Robin/Röhake 2
Great tit/Talgoxe 1

The first butterfly of the year for the wardens during the afternoon on 13th April was a Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)

13th April 2019

Another sunny calm day with 14 birds ringed. A Waxwing (Sidensvans) was seen at the obs and a Curlew (Storspov) was heard flying over.

There will be two at the obs tonight: Matt and Espen.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 5-6 m/s
Temperature: 2-3
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 6/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 3

Robin / Rödhake: 2

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 4

Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 2

Total: 14

12th April 2019

A return to the calm and sunny weather of last week, but temperatures again stayed around 1°c all day. We ringed 20 new birds this morning, including this lovely female Bullfinch (Domherre).

There will be two at the obs tonight: Matt and Espen.

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 4-5 m/s
Temperature: 1
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 1-2/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 3

Robin / Rödhake: 3

Blackbird / Koltrast: 1

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 2

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 2

Chaffinch / Bofink: 6

Bullfinch / Domherre: 1

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 2

Total: 20

11th April 2019

A much calmer day today meant we were able to open all the nets. Only 11 bird were ringed but a good number of retraps were also caught, reflecting the overall dearth of northbound migrants after the period of cold northerlies.

There will be two at the obs tonight: Matt and Espen

Wind: Northeasterly
Strength: 2-6 m/s
Temperature: 0-2
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 6-8/8
Precipitation: Light and intermittent snow

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 3

Blue Tit / Blåmes: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 3

Siskin: 1

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 2

Total: 11

10th April 2019

The wind eased off today but the northerly element kept temperatures hovering around zero. We were able to open most of the nets and 13 birds were ringed. In the afternoon about 100 Long-tailed Duck (Alfågel), a Common Scoter (Sjöorre) and four Black Guillemot (Tobisgrissla) were on the sea off Södra Udden.

There will be two at the obs tonight: Matt and Espen.

Wind: Northwesterly
Strength: 5-8 m/s
Temperature: 1
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 8/8
Precipitation: Light and intermittent snow

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 1

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 3

Robin / Rödhake: 3

Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 3

Siskin: 1

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 1

Total: 13

9th April 2019

A cold and blustery day with a light sprinkling of snow this afternoon; we were again only able to open a few sheltered nets this morning. Only 13 birds were ringed but we did retrap a six-year-old Chaffinch (Bofink) that was ringed back in 2014 as a 2cy.

The highlight was two Black Redstart (Svart Rödstjärt) at South Udden. A Kestrel (Tornfalk) was still present around the south.

Tonight there will be two at the obs: Matt and Espen.

Wind: Northwesterly
Strength: 10-16 m/s
Temperature: 1
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 8/8
Precipitation: Light and intermittent snow in the afternoon

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 3

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 3

Robin / Rödhake: 4

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 1

Total: 13

8th April 2019

Persistent northerlies hampered our ringing efforts this morning and several nets were not opened, while others were closed early as the wind picked up. That said we still ringed 25 new birds in the more sheltered nets, including the first two Bullfinch of the year.

The only sightings of note were a Lesser Black-backed Gull and a Common Kestrel at the obs this afternoon.

There will be two at the obs tonight: Espen and Matt.

Wind: Northerly
Strength: 8-16 m/s
Temperature: 3
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 7/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 3

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 5

Robin / Rödhake: 4

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 1

Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 5

Siskin / Grönsiska: 3

Bullfinch / Domherre: 2

Total: 25

7th April 2017

The threat of rain stayed with us all morning as the edge of a weather system passed over us, but it never materialised into more than a few spots. In the afternoon the fine weather returned albeit with greater cloud cover. The wind was almost non-existent in the morning with light northwesterlies by the afternoon.

This morning produced our highest catch of the season so far, with 87 new birds ringed (but only three recaptures). A good variety of species were represented including our first Fieldfare of the season.

There will be two at the obs tonight: Matt and Espen.

Wind: Variable
Strength: Very light, 0-5 m/s
Temperature: 4-7
Visibility: Moderate (2-4km) during the morning improving to good in afternoon
Cloud cover: 3-8/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 4

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 4

Robin / Rödhake: 36

Blackbird / Koltrast: 4

Fieldfare / Björktrast: 1

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 5

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 27

Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1

Siskin / Grönsiska: 3

Reed Bunting / Sävsparv: 1

Total: 87

6th April 2019

Yet another crisp and frosty morning followed by a sunny day. This morning the net opening time shifted 15 minutes earlier to 05:00 to keep up with the progressively earlier sunrise.

Three new species for the year were ringed: Song Thrush, Siskin and Greenfinch, as well as the first Tree Sparrow retrapped from last summer.

There will be three at the obs tonight: Espen, Matt and Mats.

Wind: Southeast
Strength: Light, 4-6 m/s
Temperature: 4-6
Visibility: Very good
Cloud cover: 1/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 4

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 18

Song Thrush / Taltrast: 2

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 2

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 11

Blue Tit / Blåmes: 1

Great Tit: Talgoxe: 1

Treecreeper / Trädkrypare: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Greenfinch / Grönfink: 1

Siskin / Grönsiska: 1

Total: 45

5th April 2019

A chilly start this morning with a touch of frost on the ground first thing, throughout the day it remained fairly calm and sunny.

Robin took over again as the most common bird with 20 caught at Bredmar this morning, while Goldcrest numbers tailed off slightly from recent days with only eight caught.

A jaunt to the lighthouse this afternoon produced a summer plumage Black Guillemot sat on the sea. Three immature White-tailed Eagles were up together over the obs late afternoon.

There will be two at the obs tonight: Espen and Matt.

Wind: Northeast
Strength: Light, 4-5 m/s
Temperature: 4-6
Visibility: Very good
Cloud cover: 1/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 2

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 4

Robin / Rödhake: 20

Blackbird / Koltrast: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 5

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 8

Blue Tit / Blåmes: 2

Treecreeper / Trädkrypare: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Yellowhammer / Gulsparv: 1

Total: 45

4th April 2019

A good ringing session this morning with three firsts for the year and Goldcrests still moving through steadily. The highlight was two separate Black Redstarts caught at Bredmar, meaning we’ve already surpassed last year’s total of one. An early Wryneck was seen briefly at Bredmar this morning before departing to the west and the Common Pheasant was seen again at the north of the island.

In the evening we managed to read the metal ring on a Common Gull at Västerhamn and found out that it had been ringed as an adult in the very same area back in 2010, with ours being the only sighting since then!

A sheltered sunny spot near the obs was a popular basking spot for the first emerging Adders of the season today, with at least two seen soaking up the rays.

Wind: Southeast moving to east
Strength: Light, 6-8 m/s
Temperature: 4-7
Visibility: Very good
Cloud cover: 1/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 2

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 1

Robin / Rödhake: 12

Black Redstart / Svart Rödstjärt: 2

Blackbird / Koltrast: 1

Mistle Thrush / Dubbeltrast: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 2

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 18

Mealy Redpoll / Gråsiska: 1

Total: 40

3rd April 2019

Throughout the day an influx of Goldcrest filtered up the island from the south. Some were caught in the morning ringing session and most of these were very lightweight (under 5 grams), presumably as they had just finished a long sea crossing, aided by the wind switching to a more southerly direction. One of the birds ringed at Bredmar this morning was then photographed feeding at close range at Norrhamn in the evening.

The most notable sighting of the day was a Common Pheasant seen at the north this morning and heard again this evening, the first seen here since 2016 according to records on Artportalen.

There will be three at the obs again tonight: Matt, Espen and Emma

Wind: Southeast
Strength: Light, 2-5 m/s
Temperature: 4-7
Visibility: Very good
Cloud cover: Started clear but got cloudier in the afternoon
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Woodpigeon / Ringduve: 1

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 2

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 2

Robin / Rödhake: 4

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 14

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Total: 25

2nd April 2019

Another steady ringing session produced the firsts Chiffchaff of the season and a small influx of Robin was evident with 24 new birds ringed. A Long-eared Owl flew from the scrub by Bredmar Pond.

There will be three at the obs tonight: Espen, Matt and Emma.

Wind: Southwest
Strength: Light, 2-7 m/s
Temperature: 2-5
Visibility: Very good
Cloud Cover: Clear, 0/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 3

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 3

Robin / Rödhake: 24

Blackbird / Koltrast: 1

Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 1

Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 2

Blue Tit / Blåmes: 2

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Total: 37

1st April 2019

The first ringing day of the season came with the highlight of a Dunnock wearing a French ring, we weren’t expecting our first control quite so quickly but hopefully it is a good omen for the season!

Other bird news came in the form of a Grey Wagtail which was heard by Micke by the lighthouse this morning and then flew north.

Wind: Northwest
Strength: Light, 3-5 m/s
Temperature: 1-2
Visibility: Very good
Cloud cover: Clear, 0/8
Precipitation: Dry
Ringing day totals:

Wren / Gärdsmyg: 4

Dunnock / Järnsparv: 15

Robin / Rödhake: 9

Blackbird / Koltrast: 4

Blue Tit / Blåmes: 3

Great Tit / Talgoxe: 7

Treecreeper / Trädkrypare: 2

Chaffinch / Bofink: 1

Total: 45

31st March 2019

A morning seawatch in a brisk wind produced the usual flock of Common Eiders with a few Long-tailed Ducks and Common Scoters mixed in. A Common Guillemot and several Razorbills also flew past and a Woodcock flushed up from by the Lighthouse

Three at the obs tonight – Matt, Espen and Micke