During the first hour after dawn, three flocks for a total of 78 Grönsiska/siskin went south and four Småspov/whimbrel went west over the island. Throughout the morning at least 6 Gluttsnäppa/greenshank went south. Late morning a feeding flock of Grönfink/greenfinch were around the Fågelstation, they were elusive but their contact calls could be heard for the duration of the afternoon.
Wind: South to southeast
Strength 3-12m/s
Temperature: 15-17
Visibility: Moderate to very good
Cloud cover: 4-8/8
Precipitation: Heavy shower mid afternoon (no need to water the veg patch now!)
53 birds ringed:
Sädesärla/white wagtail 6, Gärdsmyg/wren 1, Rödhake/robin 1, Näktergal/thrush nightingale 1, Rödstjärt/redstart 1, Koltrast/blackbird 1, Härmsångare/icterine warbler 3, Ärtsångare/lesser whitethroat 9, Törnsångare/whitethroat 3, Lövsångare/willow warbler 4, Bofink/chaffinch 1, Grönfink/greenfinch 13, Steglits/goldfinch 3, Hämpling 3, Rosenfink/rosefinch 2, Gulsparv/yellowhammer 1.