10 birds were ringed this morning. A Temminck’s Stint (Mosnäppa) migrated southwest over Bredmar at 0930. Several Green Sandpiper (Skogssnäppa) were present in the area and a Snipe (Enkelbeckasin) was also seen.
Wind: Southwest to northwest
Strength 3-13m/s
Temperature: 12-16
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0-7/8
Precipitation: None
Ringing day totals:
Lesser Whitethroat / Ärtsångare: 4
Blue Tit / Blåmes: 1
Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1
Treecreeper / Trädkrypare: 1
Greenfinch / Grönfink: 2
Linnet / Hämpling: 1
Total: 10