Light rain delayed the nets being opened by 30 minutes and it remained dull until 5am when the cloud cover started to disperse. Småspov/wimbrel, Storspov/curlew and Strandskata/oystercatcher were noted migrating south but the area around the Fågelstation was quiet for passerines.
Wind: Southwest to west
Strength 2-10m/s
Temperature: 15-18
Visibility: Very good
Cloud cover: 8-4/8
Precipitation: 2,4 overnight
Ringing day totals:
Rödhake/robin 1, Ärtsångare/lesser whitethroat 4, Trädgårdssångare/garden warbler 1, Lövsångare/willow warbler 1, Grönfink/greenfinch 1, Hämpling/linnet