Overnight wind has calmed to almost no breeze and clear sky at dawn, it was a quite morning with all the birds processed being caught before 8am. Observations of note were a Duvhök/goshawk circling over the island and a Kentsk tärna/sandwich tern going south.
Wind: Southwest to southeast
Strength 1,9-10,3m/s
Temperature: 15-18
Visibility: Very good
Cloud cover: 2-3/8
Precipitation: None
Ringing day totals:
Gärdsmyg/wren 1, Rödhake/robin 2, Koltrast/blackbird 2, Härmsångare/icterine warbler 1, Ärtsångare/lesser whitethroat 1, Lövsångare/willow warbler 2, Trädkrypare/treecreeper 1.