25th July 2020

A calmer morning today and all nets were opened. 20 birds were ringed. A Cuckoo (Gök) was at Bredmar this morning along with a Kestrel (Tornfalk). A Grey Wagtail (Forsärla) and a Sand Martin (Backsvala) flew over.

Wind: Southwest to northwest
Strength 5-11m/s
Temperature: 14-18
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 3-4/8
Precipitation: None

Ringing day totals:

Wryneck / Göktyta: 2

Robin / Rödhake: 1

Blackbird / Koltrast: 3

Icterine Warbler / Härmsångare: 3

Lesser Whitethroat / Ärtsångare: 1

Garden Warbler / Trädgårdssångare: 1

Willow Warbler / Lövsångare: 3

Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1

Red-backed Shrike / Törnskata: 1

Chaffinch / Bofink: 3

Linnet / Hämpling: 1

Total: 20