5th August 2017

Due to very strong winds opening of nets was delayed until 0500 when 7 nets were opened and closed at 1145.

Nearly 7 hours for 7 birds of 7 species in 7 nets !!!!
Fortunately for Bosse one of them was a Grönsångare (Wood Warbler), adding to his species list for the year.

Bosse & Svante spent a very rewarding morning at Vaderbunken, with some of the highlights from an excellent period of migration watching shown below.

Svante left the island in mid-morning to give five at the Obs overnight: Chris, Kay, Bosse, Lena and Oscar.

Wind: South-west
Strength: Very strong, 12-14 m/s
Temperature: 16
Visibility: Good, 10-20 km
Cloud cover: Cloudy, 6-7/8
Precipitation: Showers

Redstart Rödstjärt 1
Icterine Warbler Härmsångare 1
Wood Warbler Grönsångare 1
Spotted Flycatcher Grå flugsnappare 1
Greenfinch Grönfink 1
Redpoll Gråsiska 1
Yellowhammer Gulsparv 1

of interest

White-tailed Eagle Havsörn 2 Flying overhead
Eurasian Sparrowhawk Sparvhök 1 Foraging
Osprey Fiskgjuse 1 Migrating
Eurasian Hobby Lärkfalk 1 Foraging
Little Ringed Plover Mindre strandpipare 1 Migrating SW
Grey Plover Kustpipare 71 Migrating SW
Red Knot Kustsnäppa 89 Migrating SW
Sanderling Sandlöpare 1 Migrating SW
Curlew Sandpiper Spovsnäppa 6 Migrating SW
Dunlin Kärrsnäppa 760 Migrating SW
Bar-tailed Godwit Myrspov 42 Migrating SW
Red-necked Phalarope Smalnäbbad simsnäppa 1 Migrating SW
Little Tern Småtärna 1 Migrating SW