Another wet start to a windy day albeit less so than yesterday. Again no nets were opened. A fall of migrants involving a few hundred thrushes (trastar), Robins (Rödhakar) and Goldcrests (Kungsfåglar) was evident this morning. Among these were a late Redstart (Rödstjärt), a Black Redstart (Svart rödstjärt), three Chiffchaff (Gransångare) and most surprisingly – a Scarlet Rosefinch (Rosenfink), foraging on a rowan south of the obs, the latest autumn record in Stockholms län! Three 1cy Golden Eagle (Kungsörn) flew south over the obs at around 12:30, they presumably then flew back north as three were later seen at Ankarudden. 4 Rough-legged Buzzard (Fjällvråk), a Goshawk (Duvhök) and a Merlin (Stenfalk) all contributed to a great raptor day.

Wind: Northeast to northwest
Strength 0-16 m/s
Temperature: 4-7
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 3-8/8
Precipitation: Rain until about 10:30