Another surge of migrants passed through this morning after a few quiet days, 120 birds were ringed – including a Firecrest (Brandkronad kungsfågel), the second of the year. An Isabelline Wheatear (Isabellastenskvätta) was discovered at Vadarbunkern, where it stayed put until at least 16:30 and with the current weather conditions it seems unlikely it will move on at the moment! It is the first record for Landsort and there are 24 previous accepted Swedish records.

Wind: Southwest to west
Strength 8-20 m/s
Temperature: 8-12
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 3-7/8
Precipitation: Rain shower early
Ringing day totals:
Wren / Gärdsmyg: 4
Robin / Rödhake: 53
Blackbird / Koltrast: 19
Redwing / Rödvingetrast
Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 1
Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 31
Firecrest / Brandkronad kungsfågel: 1
Blue Tit / Blåmes: 1
Treecreeper / Trädkrypare: 1
Chaffinch / Bofink: 3
Siskin / Grönsiska: 1
Total: 120