6th August 2018

Nets opened at 0400 and closed at 1100 with 46 new birds of 15 species.

Raul & Niklas were up north all morning, while Bosse spent some time at SUDD.

Most left the island this afternoon, with Mikael arriving later to give three at the Obs overnight: Chris, Kay & Mikael.

Wind: North-west becoming North-east
for a while
Strength: Moderate, 4-7 m/s
Temperature: 23
Visibility: Good, 10-20km
Cloud cover: Partly cloudy, 3-5/8
Precipitation: Dry


Sparrowhawk Sparvhök 1
Redstart Rödstjärt 1
Whinchat Buskvätta 1
Song Thrush Taltrast 1
Icterine Warbler Härmsångare 1
Lesser Whitethroat Ärtsångare 15
Whitethroat Törnsångare 1
Willow Warbler Lövsångare 12
Spotted Flycatcher Grå flugsnappare 1
Pied Flycatcher Svartvit flugsnappare 1
Great Tit Talgoxe 2
Red-backed Shrike Törnskata 2
Tree Sparrow Pilfink 2
Greenfinch Grönfink 4
Yellowhammer Gulsparv 1