21st July 2018

Nets opened at 0345 and closed at 1100 with 21 new birds of 10 species.

There will be two at the Obs overnight: Chris & Kay.

Wind: North-west, backing to South
Strength: Moderate, 4-7 m/s
Temperature: 23
Visibility: Good, 10-20km
Cloud cover: Cloudy, 6-7/8, clearing to 3/8
Precipitation: Dry


Swallow Ladusvala 1
Thrush Nightingale Näktergal 1
Blackbird Koltrast 3
Icterine Warbler Härmsångare 1
Lesser Whitethroat Ärtsångare 3
Whitethroat Törnsångare 1
Garden Warbler Trädgårdsångare 1
Willow Warbler Lövsångare 2
Tree Sparrow Pilfink 6
Greenfinch Grönfink 2