The wind had dropped from yesterday but still prevented a couple of the more exposed nets being opened this morning. 385 birds were ringed, 259 of which were Goldcrest (Kungsfågel).

Wind: Northeast
Strength 5-12m/s
Temperature: 13-14
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0-8/8
Precipitation: None
Ringing day totals:
Sparrowhawk / Sparvhök: 1
Wren / Gärdsmyg: 6
Dunnock / Järnsparv: 16
Robin / Rödhake: 26
Blackbird / Koltrast: 1
Song Thrush / Taltrast: 1
Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 7
Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 259
Coal Tit / Svartmes: 17
Blue Tit / Blåmes: 2
Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1
Treecreeper / Trädkrypare: 3
Chaffinch / Bofink: 1
Brambling / Bergfink: 2
Siskin / Grönsiska: 17
Redpoll / Gråsiska: 25
Total: 385