19th June 2018

Winds up to 21 m/s during the morning and mostly 14-18 m/s prevented any hope of nets being opened today. So, a welcome late morning this morning, with the sound of 30+ Swift (Tornseglare) feeding overhead as they passed the Obs getting us up about 0630!!!

A short period behind the Obs at Bredmar produced few birds passing the island.

A restful day, with more strong to very strong winds with rain forecast for the next few days the outlook for much netting is poor.

There will be two at the Obs overnight: Chris & Kay.

Wind: South-west
Strength: Very strong, 14-19 m/s gusting over 21 m/s
Temperature: 19
Visibility: Good, 10-20km
Cloud cover: Partly cloudy, 3-5/8, becoming almost clear skies
Precipitation: Dry after a few light showers first thing.


No ringing today