6th June 2018

Nets opened at 0345 and closed at 1145 with just 9 new birds of 6 species, with a further 7 Great Tit (Talgoxe) chicks ringed later in the day to give 16 new of 7 species.

No open guiding today.

Afternoon spent checking more nest boxes.

A big thanks to Niklas for helping to identify some of the moths we have been catching!!!

Also a bit of a late thanks to Thomas who spent some of Sunday improving the tension wires that hold the canopy nets in place.

There will be two at the Obs overnight: Chris & Kay

Wind: North
Strength: Moderate, 4-7 m/s
Temperature: 17
Visibility: Good, 10-20km
Cloud cover: Partly cloudy, 3-5/8
Precipitation: Dry


White Wagtail Sädesärla 1
Thrush Nightingale Näktergal 1
Icterine Warbler Härmsångare 2
Lesser Whitethroat Ärtsångare 3
Garden Warbler Trädgårdsångare 1
Chiffchaff Gransångare 1
Great Tit Talgoxe 7