All except reed bed nets opened at 0430 with these nets opened later when the sun put some ‘heat’ in the day. Remained cold all morning, with 30 nets closed at 1100. Only three new birds of two species caught. A Jorduggla (Short-eared Owl) was seen flying over just after first light.
Tumble drier collected from the village, with thanks to the community for allowing us to have it. It will make a big difference to how life is here, for the Wardens and for keeping bird bags clean. Washing machine is due out soon!!!
Janne, Niklas and Bjorn were south migration watching but also had a very quiet.
Most leaving on the 1330 ferry to give just Chris & Kay overnight tonight.
Wind: | North-east | |
Wind strength: | Moderate, 4-7 m/s | |
Temperature: | -4 | |
Visibility: | Good 10-20km | |
Cloud Cover: | Partly cloudy, 3-5/8 | |
Precipitation: | Dry |
Birds |
Greenfinch | Grönfink | 1 | ||
Linnet | Hämpling | 2 |
Sightings |
Short-eared Owl | Jorduggla | 1 |