Another day with incredible migration throughout the day. 624 birds were ringed of which the majority (473) were Goldcrest (Kungsfågel), a late Garden Warbler (Trädgårdssångare) was also caught. A Red-flanked Bluetail (Tajgablåstjärt) was present in the village at Öbergs trädgård where it showed well throughout the afternoon. 1645 Barnacle Goose (Vitkindad gås) and 80 White-fronted Goose (Bläsgås) migrated southwest.

Wind: Southeast
to northeast
Strength 7-15m/s
Temperature: 13-14
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 0-4/8
Precipitation: None
Ringing day totals:
Wren / Gärdsmyg: 6
Dunnock / Järnsparv: 3
Robin / Rödhake: 85
Blackbird / Koltrast: 4
Song Thrush / Taltrast: 12
Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 2
Garden Warbler / Trädgårdssångare: 1
Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 4
Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 473
Blue Tit / Blåmes: 1
Great Tit / Talgoxe: 1
Treecreeper / Trädkrypare: 4
Chaffinch / Bofink: 1
Siskin / Grönsiska: 2
Redpoll / Gråsiska: 25
Total: 624