Sightings from a migration watch from Södra Udden 0430-1100 included: seven Barnacle Goose (Vitkindad gås), three Shelduck (Gravand), two Gadwall (Snatterand), one Shoveler (Skedand), four Pintail (Stjärtand), 11 Wigeon (Bläsand), 23 Teal (Kricka), 32 Tufted Duck (Vigg) 471 Velvet Scoter (Svärta), 1174 Common Scoter (Sjöorre), 168 Red-breasted Merganser (Småskrake), four Goldeneye (Knipa), three Red-throated Diver (Smålom), five Black-throated Diver (Storlom), one Osprey (Fiskgjuse), one Goshawk (Duvhök), five Arctic Skua (Kustlabb), 25 Common Tern (Fisktärna), 26 Arctic Tern (Silvertärna), two Short-eared Owl (Jorduggla), one Peregrine (Pilgrimsfalk), one Rook (Råka), four House Martin (Hussvala), 145 White Wagtail (Sädesärla), 90 Meadow Pipit (Ängspiplärka), 31 Tree Pipit (Trädpiplärka), 70 Brambling (Bergfink) and one Serin (Gulhämpling). 86 birds were ringed including the first Blackcap (Svarthätta) of the season.

Wind: North
to southwest
Strength 1-13 m/s
Temperature: 6-7
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 2-8/8
Precipitation: None
Ringing day totals:
Robin / Rödhake: 56
Blackbird / Koltrast: 1
Fieldfare / Björktrast: 3
Song Thrush / Taltrast: 4
Redwing / Rödvingetrast: 4
Blackcap / Svarthätta: 1
Chiffchaff / Gransångare: 3
Willow Warbler / Lövsångare: 7
Goldcrest / Kungsfågel: 6
Reed Bunting: 1
Total: 86