Owing to the current situation, we are implementing some new measures to help protect staff, visitors and the island community from the spread of coronavirus. Observatory accommodation will now be segregated into two parts, with guests having a separate entrance and sleeping quarters to the wardens. Except for the area for staying guests the rest of the observatory (including the ringing lab) will be restricted to wardens only, this will unfortunately mean that the kitchen and bathroom are now out of bounds to guests who will be able to use the bathroom facilities in Västerhamn. Pre-booked guidings will continue and will take place outside. Social distancing rules will apply and payments will only be taken by swish. These measures will be in place until the end of April, when we will re-evaluate the situation.
Daily Archives: 1 April 2020
1st April 2020
Wardens Matt and Espen returned to Landsort on 17th March and we have spent the past two weeks setting up the station for the coming season. We started ringing on 26th March and the standardised season commenced today (1st April), when seven birds were ringed. From now until early November we will collect data every day (weather conditions allowing) under standardised procedure.
Migration is underway with peak spring Dunnock (Järnsparv) numbers occurring at this time, 12 were caught on the first ringing session on 26th. Sea duck numbers are building with over 1000 Eiders (Ejder) seen this morning on a seawatch, numbers should continue to build through April, smaller numbers of other seaducks such as Common Scoter (Sjöorre), Long-tailed Duck (Alfågel) and Velvet Scoter (Svärta) are also present at the moment. On 19th March a Bewick’s Swan (Mindre sångsvan) flew north with a flock of commoner Whooper Swans (Sångsvan) and on 20th a Grey Wagtail (Forsärla) flew over. Waxwings (Sidensvans) are still present and one was ringed on 28th. In other news the Adders (Huggorm) were already out soaking up the early spring rays from 26th.

Wind: Southwesterly
Strength 7-11 m/s
Temperature: 4-6
Visibility: Good
Cloud cover: 2-4/8
Precipitation: None
Ringing day totals:
Dunnock / Järnsparv: 3
Robin / Rödhake: 1
Blackbird / Koltrast: 2
Reed Bunting / Sävsparv: 1
Total: 7