23 nets opened at 0345, with some closed as the morning progressed and wind increased for a while. All remaining nets closed at 0930 when rain arrived.
Just 12 new birds of 7 species, to give a total of 1517 new birds for the month.
Kay went off island for the morning to get shopping, while Chris gave guided talk to 7 people and caught up with end of month paperwork
Just Chris & Kay at the Obs overnight.
Wind: | West | |
Wind strength: | Strong but decreasing, 8-13m/s | |
Temperature: | 9 | |
Visibility: | Moderate, 4-10km | |
Cloud Cover: | Cloudy, 8/8 | |
Precipitation: | Dry, but rain at 0930 |
Birds ringed |
Redstart | Rödstjärt | 1 | ||
Lesser Whitethroat | Ärtsångare | 2 | ||
Whitethroat | Törnsångare | 1 | ||
Blackcap | Svarthätta | 4 | ||
Willow Warbler | Lövsångare | 2 | ||
Pied Flycatcher | Svartvit flugsnappare | 1 | ||
Red-backed Shrike | Törnskata | 1 |
Sightings |
Common Teal | Kricka | 1 | Male on Bredmar pond | |||
Tufted Duck | Vigg | 2 | Pair on Bredmar pond | |||
Eurasian Wryneck | Göktyta | 1 | Heard calling | |||
Thrush Nightingale | Näktergal | 2 | Singing males | |||
Common Rosefinch | Rosenfink | 3 | Singing males |