24th July 2017

21 nets opened at 0345 and closed at 1100, with Janne helping when Kay went off the island mid-morning to shop.

A total of 17 new birds of 10 species including a Gröngöling (Green Woodpecker), the 12th ever caught here. A ringed Göktyta (Wryneck) was caught, one of the brood of 6 chicks ringed in the far north of the island on 2nd July.

Kalle & Marie arrive at some time this afternoon, giving five at the Obs overnight: Chris, Kay, Janne, Kalle & Marie.

Wind: North-east
Strength: Strong, 8-13 m/s slowly decreasing
Temperature: 17
Visibility: Good, 10-20km
Cloud cover: Cloudy, 6-7/8
Precipitation: Dry


Green Woodpecker Gröngöling 1
Robin Rödhake 1
Blackbird Koltrast 1
Song Thrush Taltrast 1
Icterine Warbler Härmsångare 2
Garden Warbler Trädgårdsångare 1
Blackcap Svarthätta 6
Willow Warbler Lövsångare 2
Chaffinch Bofink 1
Greenfinch Grönfink 1

of interest

Common Swift Tornseglare 10 Feeding around Obs & entering boxes
Two-barred Crossbill Bändelkorsnäbb 1 Flying overhead
Common Crossbill Mindre korsnäbb 5 Flying overhead
Common Rosefinch Rosenfink 1 Heard at Bredmar